by Malika Miller on 2017-05-10

GRAND TERRACE>> As the weather begins to heat up, there can be no doubt that summer is coming. 

Soon, the school bell will ring for the last time and working parents everywhere will be faced with the question: what are my kids supposed to do now?

The REC Center, located at 22633 Barton road, in Grand Terrace, Ca,  may just provide an answer to that.

Beginning June 12, the REC center will be offering summer day camp for kids, the focus of which will be on recreation, education,  and creative arts.

Studies from the National Summer Learning Association have shown that children who are active over the summer do better on standardized tests, can help increase much needed socialization skills, and even help with concentration during the school year.

Children ages will be offered enrichment classes on the topics of cheer, theater, sports, leadership, art, sports, and STEM science. 

Former U.S. secretary of state, Collin Powlell, once said of camp, "It teaches them how to get along with other people - both other young people as well as adults. To give our children a safe place to learn and grow–camp does that."

The REC summer camp will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Registration cost is $75 and payment plans are available. Those interested, may register on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m, at the REC center.

For more information, visit or call 951-254-STAR.