by Ashley Dinkel on 2016-10-19

GRAND TERRACE>> The aroma of butter and warm syrup filled the Grand Terrace air as the community gathered for the annual Grand Terrace Lions Club All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast. On Sunday, Oct. 16, numerous people came out between 7-11 a.m. to enjoy one another's company and the pancakes. The event, held in the parking lot of the Grand Terrace Professional Plaza, provided the community a time to catch up with one another and continue the community-centered fun. Burt Seuylemezian, a member of the Lions Club Board of Directors, said the event was a success and at least 300 people were in attendance. "It was very successful," he said. "The Lions Club is still here and still a part of the community." Grand Terrace Mayor Darcy McNaboe was in attendance along with members of Lions Club, the Leo Club, local boy scouts, residents, families and friends of the city. With a theme of "Serving Those Who Serve," all first responders and members of active military in uniform were able to eat for free, courtesy of the Grand Terrace Lions Club. [END]