ATC Mason Earns Major Awards for Financial Reporting

By: Tracy Calentti

ATC Project Administrator

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County of San Bernardino

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The three prestigious financial reporting awards will be presented at an upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting in January 2022.

San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector (ATC) Ensen Mason has been notified that his office has earned three prestigious financial reporting awards. The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting (PAFR) are given by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). In addition, ATC Mason is receiving the State Controller’s Award for Counties Financial Transactions Reporting awarded on behalf of California State Controller Betty T. Yee. All three awards will be presented to Mr. Mason and staff at an upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting in January 2022. “I am honored to receive notification that my office will receive these awards,” commented ATC Mason. “As Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector, it is my priority to ensure the County’s financial records are presented in an easily accessible and comprehensible manner. This annual compilation of extensive financial information is truly a team effort, and I want to extend my sincere appreciation to Chief Deputy Controller Vanessa Doyle and her Controller Division Team for their hard work and dedication in the service of San Bernardino County residents.” GFOA established the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program in 1945, and it has gained widespread recognition as the premier national indicator of excellence in governmental accounting and financial reporting. This marks the 33rd consecutive year that ATC has received this prestigious award. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. This award is presented to state and local governments that prepare annual financial reporting exceeding the requirements of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), while also preparing accurate ACFRs that evidence the spirit of transparency and full disclosure. The ATC’s ACFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the ACFR. The Popular Annual Financial Reporting Awards Program was established in 1991 by GFOA. This is the 15th consecutive year that ATC has received this award, recognizing ATC’s efforts to develop a high-quality popular annual report that is designed to be readily accessible and easily understandable to the general public. Finally, California State Controller Betty T. Yee is awarding ATC with the State Controller’s Award for Counties Financial Transactions Reporting for achieving the highest quality in California governmental accounting and financial reporting. This is the 15th consecutive year and the 16th year overall that ATC has won this important award. ATC is located at 268 W. Hospitality Lane in San Bernardino. Business hours are 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Please visit and follow us on social media, @SanBernardinoCountyATC, for the most up-to-date information. For more local news and information click here.