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50th Anniversary Grand Terrace Lions Club

By Elysia Fernandez
Community Writer
07/09/2024 at 07:35 AM

On a warm summer evening, the Grand Terrace Lions Club celebrated a momentous milestone: their 50th anniversary installation dinner for the 2024-2025 term. The event, held at the elegant Grand Terrace Community Center, was a night filled with nostalgia, camaraderie, and a renewed commitment to service.

Attendees included current and past members, local dignitaries, and representatives from other Lions Clubs in the region. The atmosphere was festive, with tables adorned in the club’s colors of blue and gold, and a display showcasing memorabilia from the past five decades.

As the Grand Terrace Lions Club embarks on its next 50 years, the spirit of service that has defined its history remains as strong as ever. With a dedicated team of officers and enthusiastic members, the club is poised to continue its legacy of service and make an even greater impact in the years to come.

Members Include:

Lion Becky Giroux

Immediate Past President

Lion Don Larkin

1st Vice President

Lion Jayna Ramirez

2nd Vice President

Lion Christina Phelps


Lion Dawn McClelland


Lion Dani Bubier

Tail Twister

Lion Toni Epps

Lion Tamer

Lion Louise Lunstrum


Lion Kirk McVey


Sion Brian Phelps

Ears Mot MeVey


Lion Ed Guour



Lion Don Larkin


Lion Ed Giroux

Flag Salute

Lion Tim Lunstrum


Lion Don Larkin

Presentation of Awards

Lion Kyle Shell & Lion Becky Giroux

50th Anniversary Video

Lion Kyle Shell

Installation of Board of Directors

Lion Kyle introduces DG Lion Hank Trueba

DG Lion Hank Trueba

Introduction of Incoming President

Lion Don Larkin

Closing Remarks

Lion Becky Giroux

The Installation Committee wish to give a special Thank You to Lion Hank Trueba and His Wife Lion Patty for attending our event and for installing our New Officers for the 2024-2025 Year.

Lions Sight Program * Kids Sighs * White Cane * Lions Eyes Across California * Lions Diabetes Camp at Teresita Pines * Food Distribution * Boy Scout Troop 40 * Cub Scout Pack 242 * GTHS Leo Club * U.S. VETS * Grand Terrace Cars & Coffee * Mickey's Annual Car Show * Trunk Or Treat * Santa Claus Toy Drive Cruise * Light up GT * Christmas Lighting Contest * GTWC Child Help *

Senior Prom * Mountain Communities Relief